Erbil International Fairground
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Plastprintpack market

Iraq‘s imports of plastic raw materials grew by 612% or 24.4% annually between 2011 and 2020, from 40 kt to 285 kt!

With imports of 285 kt of plastic in primary forms, Iraq is the third largest Arab importer of such materials in the Middle East after the UAE and Saudi Arabia, ahead of Jordan with 263 kt, Oman 202 kt, Lebanon 197 kt, Kuwait 105 kt and Qatar 93 kt.

Largest exporting countries of plastic raw material in the Middle East in 2020

• Saudi Arabia 15,999 kt
• United Arab Emirates 3,966 kt
• Iran 3,283 kt
• Qatar 1,940 kt
• Kuwait 826 kt
• Oman 336 kt

Source: EUROMAP  Jan 2022/ Graph: fairtrade

Iraq‘s plastic consumption per capita

Per capita plastic consumption in Iraq has grown by 22.8% annually over the past years, from 0.5 kg in 2009 to 7.2 kg in 2022 and is estimated at 9.0 kg in 2026.

Source: EUROMAP  Jan 2022/ Graph: fairtrade

Iraq‘s plastic consumption by application

59% of consumption is accounted for by packaging, 21% by the construction industry, 3% for electrical, electronics and telecom, 3% for automotive and the remainder by various items..

Source: EUROMAP / Graph: fairtrade

Iraq‘s plastic consumption by processing method

In plastics processing, extrusion leads with 48%, followed by injection molding with 17%, PET preform & stretch blow molding with 15%, blow molding with 10% and EPS foam molding with 1% and the remainder by various items.

Source: EUROMAP / Graph: fairtrade

Iraq is the third largest Arab importing country of plastics technology in the Middle East

  • Between 2017 and 2023, Iraq’s imports of plastics technology increased with an annual growth rate of 15.7%, from 20 million euros to 48 million euros. (VDMA)

  • This makes Iraq the third largest Arab importing country of such technology in the Middle East.

  • A clear signal of the political will to expand local production and the „Made-in-Iraq“ trend.

  • Continuous growth is expected in the coming years.

Source: VDMA / Graph: fairtrade

Iraq is the third largest Arab importing country of printing & paper converting technology in the Arab Middle East

  • From 2017 to 2022, Iraq’s printing & paper technology imports increased by 47.6% annually, from €5 to €35m.
  • This makes Iraq the third largest importing country of printing & paper processing
    technology in the Arab Middle East.
  • Continuous growth is expected in the coming years.

Source: VDMA / Graph: fairtrade

Iraq is the third largest Arab importing country of packaging technology in the Middle East

  • Between 2018 and 2023, Iraq’s imports of packaging technology increased with an annual growth rate of 17.9%, from 47 million euros to 107 million euros. (VDMA)
  • This makes Iraq the third largest Arab importing country of such technology in the Middle East.

  • A clear signal of the political will to expand local production and the „Made-in-Iraq“ trend.

Source: VDMA / Graph: fairtrade

Range of exhibits

Plastics and composites

Raw materials and auxiliaries

  • Thermoplastics
  • Thermoplastic elastomers
  • Coating compounds
  • Foams and intermediates
  • Rubbers
  • Synthetic fibres, bristels, tapes
  • Adhesives and glues
  • Paint resins
  • Additives
  • Fillers
  • Reinforcing fibres, -materials
  • Starting materials, intermediate, polymerisation, auxiliaries

Semi-finished products, technical parts and reinforced plastics

  • Processing technologies
  • Follow on treatment of plastics products
  • Supplying
  • Product groups
  • Products

Machinery and equipment for the plastics and rubber industries

  • Machines and equipment for preprocessing and recycling
  • Machinery and plant for processing
  • Post processing machines
  • Extruders and extrusion lines
  • Injection molding machines
  • Blow molding machines
  • Machinery and plant for finishing, decorating, printing and marking
  • Welding machines
  • Molds and dies
  • Integrated automation
  • Ancillary equipment
  • Measuring and test equipment
  • Parts and components


  • Pre-press and pre-media
  • Printing machinery, appliances and accessories
  • Book binding and print finishing
  • Paper converting and packaging production
  • Materials and consumables
  • Services

Packaging and Conditioning

  • Packaging machines and equipment
  • Machines and equipment for beverage and liquid bottling and packaging  
  • Machines and equipment for imprinting of packaging material
  • Packaging devices
  • Packaging appliances
  • Packaging materials
  • Packaging means and aids
  • Services

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